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4-2-2018 13:20 paralympian

4-2-2018 13:20 paralympian

Hello All,

Last week we traveled to KKI for their monthly information session.  This session featured Paralympic swimmer, Jessica Long.  She talked of her journey to the Paralympics as well as a little about her life with prosthetic limbs.  What truly amazed me was that she won her first gold medal in swimming at age 12.  She also brought her gold medal from London and passed it around for all to see.  I was surprised by how heavy it was.  I learned that the word Paralympics came from “parallel Olympics.”  That is just a bit of trivia I found interesting for all you trivia fans. Check out the picture gallery for a picture of her with Brian.

We head back tto KKI in two weeks for Brian’s six month update.  Please pray that they find continued progress in his recovery.  Also please continue to pray for medical advances to help all SCI patients.  Brian’s tenth year is coming up and we are hoping for some breakthroughs soon.



2 Responses

  1. Joan E Dean says:

    Sounds like a really interesting visit, how wonderful to meet Jessica! You will all be in my prayers <3

  2. Robyn Adams says:

    Praying! Thanks for your post.

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