(717) 938-4128
(717) 542-3530


  • From Jo-Ann Howard on 7-22-18. 18:35

    Our prayers of healing and comfort and peace, are with you Dawn, Steve and Brian!

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    2018/07/24 at 5:43 pm
  • From Bev Peters on 7-22-18. 18:35

    Dear kind, loving Father, in the Name of Jesus, I pray and beseech you on behalf of this beautiful family that you would have mercy and step into their home and their lives and supernaturally move in miraculous and mighty ways to stop all the troubles they have been having! I pray you would touch Steve’s knee and HEAL it. I also ask you would miraculously heal Dawns asthma. And as we always pray please heal Brian’s SCI and restore him back to complete health in every way, beginning at the top of his head and ending at the soles of his feet. I bring him and lay him at your feet and cry out for healing, wellness and wholeness in the incomparable Name of Jesus. And I thank you for hearing all these prayers and for your mercy. Have mercy and heal Brian right now in Jesus ‘ Name

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    2018/07/22 at 9:40 pm
  • From Melissa Poboy on 7-22-18. 18:35

    Praying for your family and believing in complete restoration!

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    2018/07/22 at 10:22 am
  • From Robyn Adams on 7-22-18. 18:35


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    2018/07/21 at 10:00 pm
  • From Debra Trimmer on 7-22-18. 18:35

    So sorry that things have been in a turmoil. Praying that Steve gets his knee issues resolved, you get relief from your asthma, and that you can secure the care you need for Brian.
    Hugs to everyone,
    The Trimmers

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    2018/07/21 at 8:50 pm
  • From Candy Garver on 7-22-18. 18:35

    So sorry things are not going well. My prayers for healing are with you all!

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    2018/07/21 at 8:33 pm
  • From Bev Peters on 7-1-2018 21:34

    WOW 10! There has been soooo much in a decade!
    I have had the honor of getting to know you all. Although it is through cyberspace, we have a connection. It is an honor to pray and to see prayers answered. I too believe Brian will walk again! We pray and believe for miracle healing for Brian and others we know with chronic conditions. Thank you for keeping the connection alive for all of us!
    And Jesus, I bring Brian to you again and beseech you to have mercy and heal Brian from the top of his head to the soles of his feet . We believe you are able and that you are the same yesterday today and forever!!! You are the mighty healer. In your name we pray amen

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    2018/07/02 at 9:47 pm
  • From Teresa Green on 7-1-2018 21:34

    Lots of love and continued prayers for Brian and your whole family! ❤️

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    2018/07/02 at 6:08 am
  • From Candy Garver on 7-1-2018 21:34

    What a wonderful remembrance of a decade of life. What I read in this is a family united by love. Bless you all as you continue to work toward walking for Brian!

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    2018/07/02 at 5:16 am
  • From Maggie Devlin on 7-1-2018 21:34

    Love youuuuu

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    2018/07/01 at 9:35 pm