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11-12-2018. 1 9:10

11-12-2018. 1 9:10

 Hello everyone.  I wanted to write and let everyone know the results from our three weeks down at Kennedy Krieger Institute.  We finished up on Friday and Brian had his evaluations from both his PT and his OT. As we usually expect when we come down, the therapists were able to find progress in his movements.  I had talked before about the instrument that measures the movements in his fingers.  They spent a lot of time with him on it and he was able to get up to 60% flexion.

A new protocol that they tried this time was transcutaneous stim across the cervical spine.  He had used this before on his lower spine, but this is the first he used it up that high on his spinal cord.   The OT places stim on the back of his neck close to his injury site.  Then she puts two stim pads on his muscles in the front of his upper chest.  The theory is that the electrical stim will go between the pads through the upper spinal spinal cord.  The proof that this is working is watching how his fingers move and twitch ever so slightly.  It is very exciting to watch.  Steve has downloaded a video of him on the finger machine.

His PT also used transcutaneous stim lower on his spine to help with his leg movement.  In PT his leg was suspended from the lift, eliminating gravity.  He was able to move his leg back and forth so that we could actually see it moving.  His PT said he was using hip flexors and extensors which are important muscles for walking.

We are getting a program for the stim machine we have which will allow Steve to apply the transcutaneous stim here at home.  He was given an update to Brian’s program which shows placement of the electrodes.  I think that if we continue with this for the next six months that we should see another leap forward at our next visit to KKI.

When we go to KKI, the nights get long and we stop for dinner if it is really late. One time last week we had stopped, and when Steve went to pay the bill, the waitress said someone had already paid the bill anonymously.  We were so very thankful and I stopped to tell the hostess to please convey our thanks for the kindness.  It is good to remember the kindness of strangers.  Jesus said if you feed my brothers you feed me.  Those people were truly loving and giving Christian people.

On Friday we are heading to Lock Haven for their annual Play for Brian night.  Brian always looks forward to this night, getting back to campus and saying hello to friends that are still in the area.

 Enjoy the new video.  Please pray for safe travels for us to Lock Haven.  Also please continue to pray for Brian.  It is hard for Steve and I sometimes because he is so slow in healing.  We have to remember that he IS still healing and he heals in God’s time.



8 Responses

  1. Bev Peters says:

    I am so grateful for your posts!! Thank you for taking the time!
    I am also glad to hear of stim movements. We heartily pray for you all- especially total healing for Brian. May God’s spirit rain down upon you and encourage your heavy hearts. Every day is another day closer to walking. God bless you all!!! Blessings

  2. Kathy Z says:

    Love to see the progress!

  3. Debra Trimmer says:

    Your posts about KKI are always so interesting with all of the new and exciting ways they work with Brian!! Progress is definitely being made and we admire all of your efforts. Great to hear about the giving spirit by caring people when you were at the restaurant!!
    Hugs to everyone!
    The Trimmers

  4. Joan says:

    Thank you for sharing, I am so thankful for his progress. I watched the videos a few times!!! You and Steve are amazing advocates and team members for Brian. Enjoy your drive to the PA Wilds, hoping you can all relax and enjoy the visit and event.

  5. Candy says:

    Wow… all of you are working so hard. Thank you for the updates. You will be rewarded for your dedication!

  6. Jo-Ann Howard says:

    Thank you for the updates, Dawn. It is so good to hear about, and see the progress Brian is making. Our prayers continue for Brian, you and Steve.

  7. Deb Beissel says:

    Thanks for the continuous updates on Brian! We serve an Awesome God!!!

  8. Копии удостоверений, созданные в виде дубликатов официальных документов, имеют высоким спросом. Особую популярность вызывают ксивы, стилизованные под ксивы различных силовых структур, таких как МВД, Следком или прокуратура. Такие сувениры если купить удостоверение создают иллюзию правдоподобности и остаются при этом шуточными подарками, которые обычно дарят в кругу друзей или коллег с целью выделить их личные черты или придать хорошее настроение.

    Часто задают вопрос, где можно купить ксиву в качестве сувенира или шуточного подарка. Наибольший спрос среди предложений купить ксиву МВД, поскольку данные документы оформлены под настоящие удостоверения. Для тех, кто хочет добавить небольшую изюминку, предлагается приобрести ксиву МВД, внешний вид которого будет очень реалистично. Но это далеко не единственный выбор — люди также часто ищут, как приобрести ксиву, чтобы сделать необычный подарок.

    Некоторым нравится приобрести ксиву, например, как вариант, оформленное в стиле документы Следкома. При таких запросах предлагается приобрести ксиву СК СКР, выполненное в стиле Следственного комитета. Помимо этого, существуют универсальные предложения, где можно заказать документ в любом стилистическом оформлении. Особую популярность получают популярность запросы на приобретение ксив МВД, СК, прокуратуры, которые дают возможность создать сувенир, выглядящий максимально правдоподобно.

    Подарочные удостоверения в виде ксив МВД, СК или прокуратуры — это не только веселый и оригинальный подарок, но и возможность создать легкую и непринужденную атмосферу, весело выразив своё признание. Подобный подарок несомненно поднимет настроение и будет запомнен получателем.

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